
Last updated: July 1, 2024

To safeguard all users on PostalPals and prevent spam, we have established some rules. Please read them carefully and keep them in mind whenever you post or update your Profile on PostalPals.


You are not allowed to display, share or promote any form of

  1. Violence
  2. Abuse
  3. Harassment
  4. Hateful Speech
  5. Harmful content (including self-harm and suicidal content)
  6. Illegal/unlawful content

Smoking/vaping/alcohol brands are not allowed to create an account or promote their goods on PostalPals


PostalPals is not a place to display, share or promote any form of

  1. Mudity
  2. Sexual content

Please try to keep PostalPals family-friendly (especially considering all Images, Videos and Links).


You are not allowed to use PostalPals as a platform to

  1. Manipulate other users
  2. Create a large amount of Acccounts
  3. Share excessive amounts of content of any type ("Spam")

If your account got suspended, you are not allowed to create any new accounts.


You are not allowed to impersonate other people on PostalPals.

We understand that some of you like to create Profiles with the names of popular persons as a parody. If you do something like this, please use the "About me" section on your Profile to inform other users that your Account is a parody account. You must do this in a way which can be easily seen and understood by other users.

Copyright and Trademarks

You are not allowed to violate any intellectual property rights, including copyright and trademark, of others.


If you have any feedback on these rules or if you have any questions, please send us an email